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SMRT Geofencing

All about SMRT Geofencing

Written by Matt Panton
Updated over 3 months ago

Geofencing enables new delivery customers to schedule their first pick-up through the customer portal without requiring you or your staff to approve or assign it. The system checks their address against your geofenced delivery zones and adds them as a will-call customer on the correct route.

Use this guide to set up geofencing for your business. Feel free to contact support for help or to check your work before you turn the feature on.

Feature Overview

  • Create delivery zones on the Geofencing map in SMRT.

  • Assign routes to the zones.

  • Turn on the feature and allow customers to schedule through the customer portal.

  • When a non-route customer schedules a pickup they will only be allowed to schedule on the route assigned to the zone they live in.

  • When a new/non-route customer schedules their first pickup they are added to the route as a will-call customer.

Step 1: Setup

  1. Go to Settings -> Delivery -> Geo-Fencing

  2. Click Add Geo-Fence.

  3. Name the geofence (could be a city, neighborhood, route name, etc).

  4. Click Draw Area.

  5. Put your cursor on the map in the area of your route and click once to start. Click on the map to create the borders of your route (avoid overlaps if you’re creating multiple geofence zones).

  6. Double-click on the first point, press enter, or move your cursor to the side bar to complete the area.

  7. Assign a route and color.

  8. Click Save.

Repeat for all of the routes that you want to geofence. Note that you cannot have overlapping geofences.

If you accidentally assign a route to the wrong geofence, unassign it using the “Unassigned” option from the drop-down menu. Ex: If you accidentally assign route 1 to geofence 2 you need to unassign that route before you can assign it to a different geofence.

If you have multiple brands, you will want to create geofences for each brand with routes. See our FAQs for instructions.

Step 2: Enable Geofencing

Once you’ve set up all of your geofences, follow these steps:

  1. Enable Geo-Fencing in Business Settings → System Settings → Enable Geo-Fencing.

  2. Enable the “Offer Store Delivery” and “Allow on demand scheduling” settings in Business Settings → System Settings → Customer Website. Otherwise new customers and customers not on a route will not be able to schedule a pickup.

Additional Information

Geofencing will affect the system in the following ways:

  • A route customer that changes their address via the customer portal will be re-assigned to a different route according to the geo-fence setup.

  • Notifications will be sent to the cleaner when a customer’s route changes due to geofencing.

  • If a route customer's new address is outside of any configured geo-fence the cleaner will be notified as well.

Here are some examples of notifications when a customer changes their address.

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