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Route Manager Explained
Written by Matt Panton
Updated over 2 months ago

Route Manager will be your one stop shop for adjusting all routes. Unlike the Delivery Module, any adjustments that are made in the Route Manager Module are permanent.

The Route Manager Module is located by: Settings -> Delivery -> Route Manager


When we select the Route Manager Module, a map will appear. Once we have chosen a Route from our Route: Drop Down, the Map will populate with the stop locations.

You may also notice that there are Route Requests on the right-hand side of your screen. These are "Route Approval Pending" customers, and are waiting to be assigned a route.


After selecting a route, each customer in the stop list can be adjusted in order by "dragging and dropping" the customer into the correct stop location. You can drag and drop by selecting a customer and holding down the mouse while moving them into the correct position.

By selecting the Route Approval Pending customer, closest stop to this potential customer will highlight on the map, and show where the best place would be for this customer on this specific route.

The different route types of the customer are also visible. The icons: Van, Phone, Calendar will indicate if these customers are a: Route Regular (Van) and Will Call (Phone)


Route Regular: Any customer that is a stop every time a route is run.

Will Call: Call in customers requesting a pickup

Regular by Appointment: Customers that are route regular customers, but only need a stop on one specific day that the chosen route is being run that week.


Each customer in this list is drill-able, meaning that we can click on them, and have a pop-up open with the customer profile. From here we can quickly adjust customer information.


This module is a necessity for the Route Manager, and for any route drivers wanting to adjust their routes. Spend some time in this module, if you have any connection with routes, and this will greatly help stay on top of the growing route business.

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