Below is a detailed list of the logic behind each automatic message SMRT sends out.
Claims Receipt
Sent when pressing email/text claim receipt
Credit Card About to Expire
Sent for a recently active customer if their credit card will expire within a month
Credit Card Has Expired
Sent for a recently active customer if their credit has expired
Credit Card Avs Check Failed
Sent when a customer's order has been completed, and the card on file has a faulty AVS code
Credit Note Receipt
Sent when pressing email credit note receipt
Delivery Appointment Confirmation
Email sent when a customer appoints a new delivery
Will-Call Pickup Reminder
Sends will call opt in reminders
Will-Call Pickup Scheduled
Sent when a 'YES' reply schedules a pickup
Will-Call Pickup Scheduled Later
Sent when a 'YES' reply schedules a pickup on a later date due to cutoff
Delivery & Pickup Completed
Sent when pickup & delivery completed
Pickup Completed
Sent when pickup completed
Delivery Completed
Sent when delivery completed
Locker Ready
Sent when clothes are put in locker
Locker Ready, Building Code
Sent when clothes are put in locker and building code is required
Customer Email Verification
Sent when a customer registers an account through customer portal
Customer Reset Password
Sent when a customer requests a password reset
First Order at Counter
Is sent after the customer’s first order is created after sign-up. This message is not sent to new route customers.
Invoice Receipt
Sent when pressing email invoice receipt
Estimate Receipt
Sent when pressing email estimate
Order Receipt
Sent when clicking the Text button in Order Receipt
Credit Card Payment Failed (Card Expired)
Sent when a autopay customer's order has been completed, and the card on file was declined due to being expired
Credit Card Payment Failed (Card Declined)
Sent when a autopay customer's order has been completed, and the card on file was declined
Credit Card Payment Failed (No Card Processing Setup)
Sent when a autopay customer's order has been completed, for businesses without credit card processing setup
Credit Card Payment Failed (No Card On File)
Sent when a autopay customer's order has been completed, and there is no card on file
Payment Receipt
Sent when a customer has successfully paid their orders
Regular Route Delivery
Sent to regular route customers the night before they have a delivery
Regular Route Pickup, No Delivery, Offer Cancellation
Sent for route customers with no delivery, offer cancellation enabled
Regular Route Pickup, No Delivery, No Offer Cancellation
Sent for route customers with no delivery, offer cancellation disabled
On Demand, Has Delivery
Sent for on demand customers with delivery
On Demand, Offer Cancellation
Sent for on demand customers with no delivery, offer cancellation enabled
Pickup Store
Order ready for pickup at store
Offer Customer Portal Delivery
Order ready for pickup at store or schedule a delivery?
Order ready at QuickSort Kiosk
Order ready for pickup at QuickSort Kiosk
Refund Receipt
Sent when clicking email Refund Receipt
Redeem Reward
Sent when a customer is awarded credits that must be redeemed within a certain time period
Reward Credit
Sent when a customer is awarded credits
SMS Opt-In Question
SMS opt-in question is sent when a customer is assigned to a route.
SMS Opt-In Confirmation
SMS opt-in confirmation is sent when a customer replies to an SMS opt-in question.
SMS Opt-In Confirmation Customer Portal Delivery
SMS opt-in confirmation is sent when a customer replies to an SMS opt-in question.
SMS Opt-In Confirmation Regular Pickups
SMS opt-in confirmation is sent when a customer replies to an SMS opt-in question.
Opt-Out Text Footer
Opt-Out Text is added to the bottom of any outbound text that is sent from SMRT to a customer. Please reference the Company Setting "Include Opt-Out Text Footer" for more information.
Statement Ready to Pay
Sent when statement is ready to pay
Statement Not Ready to Pay
Sent when statement is ready to be viewed
Invoice Ready to Pay
Sent when invoice is ready to pay
Invoice Not Ready to Pay
Sent when invoice is ready to be viewed
Welcome Email
Welcome email is sent when a customer signs up or changes email address.
Welcome SMS
Text template for signup sms. If specified, this text will be sent out instead of the welcome email for anyone with a phone on file.
Pickup Reminder Account Link First Time
Added at the end of the pickup reminder and scheduled text for first time customers
Pickup Reminder Account Link Default
Added at the end of the pickup reminder and scheduled text for returning customers