On the Admin side of SMRT the Automatic Due Dates can be adjusted. Automatic Due Dates can be setup for Stores / Routes. These automatic date settings are put into effect when new orders are created, and gives these order the correct production timing, and due date timing to keep your business running smoothly and transparently. Located under the Detailing / Pricing Module you will notice a tab called Due Dates. This is where we do all due date adjusting.
Editing Due Dates and Creating New Due Dates can be done from here.
When adding a new due date, make sure that the name accurately describes what you would like to associate under this due date setting.
Adding conditions will give the option to associate an Agent (Store / Route) so that you are able to have different date settings for different Agents.
The Due Date is the "Promised Date" that the customer sees, and Production Date is the internal date which the item should be completed by. These can coincide, or often the Production Date is 24 hours earlier. Days that are set to "No Production" in Holiday settings (normally Sundays + Saturdays) will be SKIPPED when determining due dates, and the count will start on the next day that has production.
-Due Days: How many days from the order creation date the order will be set as Due (Promised Date)
-Due Hour: The time that will be associated with the Due Date (Promised Date)
-Cut-Off Hour: Orders created after this hour will have their Due Date and Time pushed back an addition 24 hours. If we don't want a cut-off hours at all, set this to 12am
The "Production" fields act the same as their "Due" counterparts, except they affect the Production Due Date.
Here is an example:
Here, an order created on Monday will receive a Promise Date of Wednesday at 5pm, and a Production Due Date of Tuesday at 5pm.