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Marketing - Broadcast Overview

This article provides a comprehensive guide on creating and setting up a new broadcast

Written by Jason Corbin
Updated over 3 months ago

Creating a new broadcast involves three key steps before setting it up:

  1. Identify Your Audience (Required): Determine the audience you are targeting and create a KPI list for this group. If you haven't created a KPI for Marketing yet, follow the steps in this guide to creating your first KPI - Intro to Report Builder . Once you’ve created your KPI, ensure it’s been added to the Marketing Customer Filters tag so it can be used in marketing messaging.

  2. Prepare Your Email (Optional): Ensure your email is designed and ready for use or testing, if sending an email message. If you haven't created your email yet, follow the steps in this guide to creating your first email template(Coming Soon).

  3. Create your Promotion (Optional): If you plan to offer a promotion, ensure your marketing coupon is created and selectable for marketing purposes. If you haven’t created a marketing promotion yet you can follow the steps in this guide: A Detailed Explanation of all Promotion Options.

Once these steps are completed, you are ready to set up your broadcast message.

To Access the Broadcast Module:

From the SMRT Dashboard, click on Marketing > Broadcast,

To CREATE NEW BROADCAST click on the button in the upper right corner of the screen to start your new broadcast.

Broadcast Setup:

  • Name (Required): Give your broadcast a name.

  • Sending Priority (Required): Select how you are wanting to send the message. You can choose from a list of options

    • Only Email

    • Only SMS

    • Try Email first. If no email address exists then send SMS

    • Try SMS first. If no phone number exists then send Email

    • Send both Email and SMS

  • Optimize Email Delivery

    • Toggle On ( Default )-

      • Sends email message throughout the day to provide better delivery to customers inboxes

    • Toggle Off

      • Sends all email messages immediately

  • Customer inclusion filters (Required): Choose the customer group you are messaging from the drop-down menu. The default is set to Active Customers Last 6 Months.

  • Customer exclusion filters ( Optional ) This is the group you are wanting to make sure you do not send messages to. This option is to assist with targeting when your inclusion filter has clients that the KPI will not filter out.

  • Promotion (Optional): If offering a promotion, select it here from the dropdown menu.

  • Send Date (Optional): Choose the date and time for your broadcast.

    • If no future date is selected, your message will be sent immediately.

Button Options:

  • Save as Draft: Save your message to complete it later.

  • Send: Sends the message immediately or schedule it for a future date.

  • Cancel: Return to the main broadcast dashboard.

  • Delete: Delete the current broadcast.

  • Preview: You can preview the look of the email you have chosen to send

  • Send Test Message: Send a test message to verify everything is correct.

    • This requires the test number or email address exists in the POS as an account.

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